Hey guys! I have to delay my Groundhog Day Resolutions report for June due to some extreme work deadlines. I’m reminding myself I chose to do this (a helpful verbal trick to say out loud). Topics to maybe cover:
- A Surprising Development with ADHD and Spironolactone
- A “Not Buying Spree”
- Pride Month thoughts?
I’ll come back and update this with the actual link later to the report over on dsriseah.com.
Feb 2
Kickoff - Defining the goals for 2022.
Mar 3
Focus Level Up! - Initial goals cleared. Added "daily making" criteria.
Apr 4
Working through the List - Progress.
May 5
Much Mental Processing - Thinking through mental health issues.
Jun 6
Too Much Work - Burned out on work. No report.
Jul 7
Back to Meeee! - Work commitments ending, looking forward to focus on my own work.
Aug 8
Setting Strategic Horizons - Need for "singular focus" stronger than ever. Hypothesizing goal-less strategic planning strategy based on structured procrastination.
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Related journal entries Defining Archetypes, Defining Goals, and Defining Operational Goals dig into the conditions for setting strategic horizons. Reboot Complete is the summary of progress made.
Sep 9
Progress in Four Phases - Warming up to meet my strategic horizon goals took time, but the systems of the past are proving useful in the present!
Oct 10
Fighting the System, Letting it Be - Limited progress on the big yucky goals that must be done, reflections on the challenges, and a reminder maybe that I should just let things be beautiful.
Nov 11
Battling Impairment, Finding Heart - Addresses long-standing mental impairments as "personal fact" that GHDR does not directly address.
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Related journal entries: Cold Hard Sri-nalaysis and On 'Lacking Relatability'
Dec 12
A New Roadmap - The key insights about ADHD, ASD, and Personal Mission summarized.