Welcome to my Digital Garden! This is the sister site to davidseah.com where I organize my notes and reports in an informal knowledge management system.

I'm using Eleventy as the basis for the site. More information about the tech stack is on the about page.

Content Overview

Broadly speaking, there are three kinds of content here:

  • The Journal is where "day in the life of Sri" posts go. They summarize recent work, ideas, and whatever interesting things come to mind. This is also where Groundhog Day Resolutions reporting lives.

  • Next, I have some open workshop sections organized around Expeditions, Artifacts, and Tools. There's also a Releases section that will someday have more "ready to use" materials in a similar vein to my old productivity tools page.

  • Lastly the Tropes and Concepts sections are where I collect ideas in Memos and so forth.

All files sorted in order of creation are in All Pages Index. The last few files that were edited are in Updates.

Getting Updates

You can subscribe to the journal entries through my main site feed. For GHDR posts, use this atom feed.

You can also see recent updates by clicking on the link just below the masthead. This always lists the last 30 or so updated files; a smaller list appears on the right as recently updated files. These files are often works-in-progress and may not yet be "reader friendly". If the EDIT STATUS bar appears below the article masthead, that will show its current state. If there is no bar, then the article has been finalized.