CSS Layouts Cheatsheet

Posted Wednesday, January 15, 2025 by Sri. Tagged MEMO, CHEATSHEET, CSS
EDITING PHASE:gathering info...

This cheatsheet attempts to provide a comparative look across different layout properties for Tables, Grids, and Flexboxes. Starting first with block-level elements.

Default Block Element Properties (Items)

margin: 0 [unit, percent, auto]
padding: 0 [unit, percent, auto]
border: none [unit, solid, dashed, dotted, double...]
width/height: auto [unit, percent, max-content, min-content, fit-content]
max-width/min-width: none [unit, percent]
max-height/min-height: none [unit, percent]
position: static [relative, absolute, fixed, sticky]
top, left, bottom, right: auto [length, percent]
z-index:auto [integer]
overflow: visible [hidden, scroll, auto, clip]
box-sizing: content-box [border-box]

Default Parent Layout Container Declarations


  flex-direction: row [row-reverse, column, column-reverse]
  justify-content: flex-start [row-reverse, column column-reverse]
  align-items: stretch [flex-start, flex-end, center, baseline]
  align-content: stretch (multiline)
  flex-wrap: nowrap

  grid-template-rows: none
  grid-template-columns: none
  grid-auto-flow: row [column, dense, row dense, column dense]
  gap: 0
  align-items: stretch
  justify-items: stretch
  align-content: stretch


  • flex-direction (Flexbox):
    Values: row, row-reverse, column, column-reverse. Defines the main axis direction.
  • grid-auto-flow (Grid):
    Values: row, column, dense, row dense, column dense. Controls item placement flow.
  • writing-mode (Block/Inline):
    Values: horizontal-tb, vertical-rl, vertical-lr. Determines text and inline content flow direction.

Default Child Item Sizing

  • flex (Flexbox):
    Values: none, auto, 1, 2, etc. Defines how a flex item grows, shrinks, or uses available space.
  • grid-template-columns / grid-template-rows (Grid):
    Values: Length units (e.g., 100px), auto, min-content, max-content, repeat(), fr. Specifies row/column sizes.
  • box-sizing (All Layouts):
    Values: content-box, border-box. Controls how width/height include padding and border.

Justification (Main Axis)

  • justify-content (Flexbox/Grid):
    Values: flex-start, flex-end, center, space-between, space-around, space-evenly. Distributes items along the main axis.
  • text-align (Block/Inline):
    Values: start, end, center, justify. Aligns inline content within a block container.
  • justify-items (Grid):
    Values: start, end, center, stretch. Aligns grid items within their cells along the main axis.

Alignment (Cross Axis)

  • align-items (Flexbox/Grid):
    Values: stretch, flex-start, flex-end, center, baseline. Aligns items along the cross axis for single-line layouts.
  • align-self (Per item, Flexbox/Grid):
    Values: Same as align-items. Allows individual item alignment.
  • align-content (Flexbox/Grid):
    Values: stretch, flex-start, flex-end, center, space-between, space-around. Controls multi-line layouts.
  • vertical-align (Inline/Table):
    Values: baseline, top, middle, bottom, text-top, text-bottom. Aligns inline elements relative to their line box.

Wrapping and Overflow

  • flex-wrap (Flexbox):
    Values: nowrap, wrap, wrap-reverse. Determines whether items wrap onto multiple lines.
  • overflow (All Layouts):
    Values: visible, hidden, scroll, auto, clip. Controls how content exceeding the container is handled.
  • white-space (Inline):
    Values: normal, nowrap, pre, pre-wrap, pre-line. Defines how text wraps within inline or block containers.

Explicit and Implicit Layout

  • grid-template-areas (Grid):
    Values: Custom strings (e.g., "a a b"). Defines named areas in a grid.
  • grid-template (Grid):
    Values: Combines grid-template-rows and grid-template-columns.
  • grid-auto-rows / grid-auto-columns (Grid):
    Values: Length units, min-content, max-content, auto. Controls the size of implicitly created rows/columns.
  • table-layout (Table):
    Values: auto, fixed. Determines whether column widths adjust based on content.


  • media (All Layouts):
    Values: Breakpoints like max-width, min-width, max-height, min-height. Adapts layouts to viewport size.
  • aspect-ratio (All Layouts):
    Values: Numeric ratios (e.g., 16/9, 1/1). Maintains proportional dimensions.
  • min-width / max-width / min-height / max-height (All Layouts):
    Values: Length units (e.g., 100px, 50%). Constrains element dimensions.
  • object-fit (Replaced Elements, e.g., Images):
    Values: fill, contain, cover, none, scale-down. Adjusts content scaling within its container.

Unit Lengths


  • px (pixels)
  • cm (centimeters)
  • mm (millimeters)
  • in (inches)
  • pt (points, 1/72 of an inch)
  • pc (picas, 1/6 of an inch)


  • % (percentage, relative to parent element)
  • em (relative to the font size of the element)
  • rem (relative to the font size of the root element)
  • vh (relative to 1% of the viewport height)
  • vw (relative to 1% of the viewport width)
  • vmin (relative to 1% of the smaller viewport dimension)
  • vmax (relative to 1% of the larger viewport dimension)
  • ch (relative to the width of the "0" character of the font)
  • ex (relative to the height of the font’s "x")
  • cap (relative to the height of capital letters)
  • ic (relative to the width of ideographic characters)
  • lh (relative to the line-height of the element)
  • rlh (relative to the root line-height)