A Reflection
When I started GHDR, it was primarily a way to remember to conduct regular reviews, since it's easy to notice the "double-day" pattern of 3/3 for March 3, 4/4 for April 4, etc. These seemed like special magical days, as opposed to just remembering something mundane like "The first Monday of every month". Then, every February 2nd (Groundhog Day) I would make a prognistication about what goals I wanted to achieve that year (basically, New Year Resolutions).
I found, however, that I am bad at setting very specific goals and following-through with them. My goals tended to be strategic goals rather than specific ones like "learn a new language" or "lose 15 pounds". Eventually I realized that my overall all-consuming goal was to achieve creative independence, and the goals for a specific year were chosen to create the means to support it.
In 2022, I'm coming to a second conclusion that GHDR is more of a journey akin to the movie Groundhog Day with Bill Murray. While the idea for GHDR was directly inspired by my love of this movie and of the holiday itself, I didn't think that it would become a similarly-endless journey as depicted in the movie...perhaps it is appropriate that it has. I would characterize the point of GHDR today as incorporating these points:
- financial self-sufficiency that grants freedom to pursue my interests and share my discoveries
- tuning my processes so they make use of my innate strengths so it feels like magical flying
- communicating and identifying my boundaries as I learn to know myself
- projecting my values so like-minded folks on similar journeys can discover comrades in discovery
- establishing a sanctuary with a collaborative economy of shared experience, ideas, tools, and dreams
In hindsight, most of my GHDR efforts incorporates a hefty amount of reflection on these topics.