Indie Sellers Guild

Posted Wednesday, September 7, 2022 by Sri. Tagged EXEMPLAR
EDITING PHASE:gathering info...

The Indie Sellers Guilde is a non-profit for empowering independent creators, not corporations. It grew out of dissatisfaction with the Etsy marketplace. The mission as stated on September 7, 2022:

  • Organize indie sellers to advocate collectively for fair and transparent policies in online marketplaces, primarily Etsy
  • Speak with one unified voice for the interests of indie sellers to the media, legislators, and the general public
  • Support the creation of a co-operative alternative marketplace to empower artists and sellers, not enrich CEOs and investors
  • Create a community where we can connect and provide resources, education and best practices to lift up all indie sellers around the world. Build a democratic organization where everyone has an equal voice and any member can get involved.

As a membership-based non-profit, it seems unusually well organized. I was impressed by their plentiful onboarding material not only on their website, but also in Discord. They also are on all all the major social media networks, adapting their materials accordingly.