2023 Recap

Posted Sunday, December 31, 2023 by Sri. Tagged GHDR
EDITING PHASE:gathering info...

Insights from 2022:

  • continuing to reduce the number of active concerns
  • embracing of neurodivergent brain, catalogin neurodivergent traits
  • recomittment to creative independence, with neurodivergent mitigations
  • rejection of mainstream productivity tropes, as they are not compatible with neurodivergent traits

Defined four "strategic horizons", which are like strategic goals on the horizon toward which I want to steer, but don't know exactly how.

  1. Creation of "A Colony"
  2. "Articulation of Sri"
  3. Writing software to automate PDF form design
  4. Continue to run DS|CAFE

Progress was made in each area, but a huge problem remained: lack of motivation due to lack of interaction with people on the same wavelength of me.


  • My neurodivergent traits were much stronger than previously thought.
  • My programming expertise had reached a new level of comfort after 10 years. A key mitigation I had adopted was to allow myself the time to design and think the way I wanted to, despite the lack of engagement from others.
  • Accepting transgender non-binary "identity", a systematic understanding of my desires, physical realities, and social comforts.
  • While the DS|CAFE has been great as a supportive space, I am still missing a specific sense of camaraderie.

As usual, the flurry of planning and diagramming at the beginning at the beginning of the year tapered off by late summer. In hindsight, frustration set in (possibly due to lack of connection) and emphasis shifted to self care just to keep going.