Notes for a possible application, libraries I'm coming across as I research
- lowdb3 for in-memory database needs, instead of loki. other possibilities are pouchDB (mongodb-like) or sqlite3
- fs-plus is like fs-extra but with platform support like things GetApplicationDirectory
- fast-find-in-files is a node addon (native built)
Editing Tools
- The atom editor is stuffed with useful little utilities
- hjson is a json parser that can handle whitespace and emit errors
- MarkdownIt
- DomPurify santizes strings so they are secure.
- rangy is an interesting html selection/range utility for working with the visible DOM and mouse selections:
- jschardet is a character encoding utility port from Python
- ToastUI
- tiny-markdown-editor
- CodeMirror and EasyMDE (typora)
- Github Writer Extension
- CK Editor
- Ace (quiverapp)
- Sentry realtime crash reporting
- Outline Knowledge Base
- Fast Directory Crawler describes optimization techniques